Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.

Waltzing Australia

Saturday, 20 March 2010


Who is Chanticleer?
Chanticleer is a proud rooster - the Don Juan of the barnyard. Chanticleer comes from The Nun's Priest's Tale of the Cock and the Hen, Chanticleer and Partlet which is one of the stories from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

"For crowing there was not his equal in all the land. His voice was merrier than the merry organ that plays in church, and his crowing from his resting place was more trustworthy than a clock. His comb was redder than fine coral and turreted like a castle wall, his bill was black and shone like a jet, and his legs and toes were like azure. His nails were whiter than the lily and his feathers were like burnished gold."

I took the above photo when I went to buy some free range eggs recently and I was struck at the scene they made.

Today's Quote: If you were born lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs - Russian proverb.


brattcat said...

I bet those eggs were something to crow about. Great shot.

Leif Hagen said...

I just have two questions:
1. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
2. Why did the chicken cross the road?

Bill said...

That's certainly a proud looking roster. I wonder if the people who own him are lucky too.

diane b said...

You sure have a good eye for a nice photo. love the bench and rustic wall too.Were the eggs nice?

Louis la Vache said...

Chanticleer - perfect for this image!

Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.