Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.

Waltzing Australia

Monday 23 August 2010

Election 2010

Heads or Tails?
It has been a very nail-biting weekend here in not just Melbourne, but all over Australia. The Federal election took place on Saturday the results being what looks like a hung Parliament with the two major parties (Labor and the Coalition) each having 70 seats.

The results so far are Labor - 70, Coalition - 70, Greens - 1, Independants - 3, undecided - 6. Whoever governs Australia will do so with a minority government. Both leaders, Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott will be courting the Independant candidates.

Melbourne Daily Photo is a non-political blog so I will not be taking political "sides", however, if I was Prime Minister, here's what I think -

If I was Prime MInister
Of all the Aussie states,
I'd live on chocolate truffles
And swing on all the gates.

I'd have lots of money
What I wanted I would get
I'd buy me a brand new car
And then a Lear jet.

I wouldn't have to worry
When the water bill fell due,
Or phone, or gas, or SEC
They'd all be paid by you.
(The tax-payer)

I'd be living like a king
Rub shoulders with the best
And then I could look down my nose
At all the poor in jest.

And so you see dear people
As dear old Malcolm said,
"Life wasn't meant to be easy"
You elected me instead.

Note: Malcolm Fraser was a former PM from 1975 - 1983.
SEC - State Electricity Commission

Today's Quote: The best argument against democracy was a five minute conversation with the average voter ~ Winston Churchill.


Leeds Daily Photo - Paul said...

Wow that was a close election, I knew no one party had made it but that is a lot closer than our UK one was earlier this year. We now have the best or worst of both sides of an argument!

Forgive me for not dropping by so much of late. I have been working on my new website the Yorkshire Picture Library and between that and my now almost daily, Leeds Daily Photo my days just finish later than otherwise.

B SQUARED said...

Unfortunately, the poem describes our politicians to a "T."

Anonymous said...

certainly is a very good political joke, but friends do not understand ... politics is something dirty in the world


Rob Siemann said...

Very international song!

Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.