Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.

Waltzing Australia

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Scenic Sunday - Sugarloaf Reservoir

Cool Clear Water You may recall I posted a photo recently of Sugarloaf Dam, a wonderful picnic spot in the Christmas Hills, well this is the causeway you drive along to get there. It winds itself around for a couple of kms across the water.

The reservoir was completed in 1981 and holds a total capacity of 96 GL and is an integral component of Melbourne's domestic water supply. As you can see, the water level is quite low - we've been in drought for the past 15 years and last year (May) it had only 13.261 GL - only 13.8% full.

Unlike many other Reservoirs, which draw their water directly from protected forested catchments, Sugarloaf is fed by the Maroondah Aqueduct and the Yarra River. Upon leaving the Reservoir, water is thoroughly treated at the Winneke Water Treatment Plant to World Health Organisation Guidelines, before reaching Melbourne's domestic water supply.

Today's quote: Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.

To see other beautiful scenic Sundays from around the world click here.


brattcat said...

And this water is not only a lovely image to behold but a balm to my winter weary eyes.

Louis la Vache said...

It looks as if you are having splendid weather, in sharp contrast to the snowy scenes being posted in the northern portion of the blogosphere!

Re your question about the dark shape in the image «Louis» posted, it is Albany Point which is below the balcony from which «Louis» and Mme la Vache take many of the photos they post.

Hilda said...

It's beautiful! And it looks so neat too. I hope your drought ends sometime soon though. The water is pretty low.

Miranda said...

That looks so nice. Ours usually looks really nice, but now its at that in between stage, the snow all over it is melting so it kinda looks brown and dingy lol.

Luis Gomez said...

This is so nice and peaceful looking.

Leif Hagen said...

A lovely photo with the lovely weather shines on a lovely watery scene! Lovely!

eileeninmd said...

It looks lovely, love all the blue water and sky. Very pretty.

christina said...

Lovely with the blue water!!

My name is Riet said...

LOvely picture. That water is so blue

Anonymous said...

Water is so precious in you part of the world, something Canadians are just awakening to. We've had a few health scares and now we now value good water!

This is a lovely photo: clear sky and water and the curve of the causeway.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Having grown up in a dry climate, the quote really resonates with me. Beautiful water, sky and distant hills.

johnny said...

I was hoping to go out and shoot but not sunny and it rains almost pensdo so I might be a good time to greet my friends in the blogesfera. Beautiful landscapes, and aerial communications tower that looks like a mushroom. There's nothing like seeing the city des a cruise on the river which crosses

Anonymous said...

It does look neat and clean. If wildlife accepts it then I would too. They have the more discriminating tastes.

Tammie Lee said...

such a beautiful day, my eyes are enjoying all the blue.

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Brattcat - I too like looking at bright skies when it's winter here.

Louis la Vache - It was a lovely warm sunny day. Thanks for explaining.

Hilda - We are all on water restrictions.

Just me again - WE don't have snow, but I understand dingy in winter.

Luis Gomez - It is, ver yfew cars and no petrol fumes.

Leif Hagen - A lovley place indeed.

Eileeninmd - The water may be low but the colour is still good.

Christina - That's what you notice first.

Riet - Are the waters blue where you are?

Stine in Ontario - Gone are the days when Mum would put the sprinkler on in hte back yard in summer fur us kiddies to run under.

Three Rivers - It's only been the past number of years when we realised just how precious a commodity water was.

J Bar - It's a good place to visit.

Johnny - What were you going to hunt?

√ Abraham Lincoln - And wildlife is often better mannered too.

Tammie Lee - It's what MUm would call a sight for sore eyes. LOL


Helena said...

What a beautiful view of the causeway and all that gorgeous water. :)

VP said...

A scenic image, this reservoir is immense and has a funny name...

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Helena - It is a scenic spot especially on a sunny day.

VP - It is immense, built to hold a great deal more water than it now does.


Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.