Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.

Waltzing Australia

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Theme Day ~ Photo of the Year

Above: Bird on a Rock
Photo taken mid morning at Queen's Park lake.

A bit of trivia
Early travellers heading for the goldfields met here because fresh water was available in the lagoon. Burke and Wills camped here on their fateful journey to cross Australia.

Today's quote: No matter how high a bird flies, it has to come down for water ~ Old American

Click here to see other participants of Theme Day.

Melbourne Daily Photo

Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.