Yesterday I went to the hospital to see the newest addition. Mum wasn't there but the little man was fast asleep and I couldn't resist taking a few snaps. They came home a couple of hours later. It is a very busy time at the moment, between baby-sitting active 4 year olds, cooking their meals, jostling work hours and helping out, I don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha! Everything else seems to be in a state of limbo.
The Little Man
A Little Bundle of Joy
His Majesty the Baby
Sleeping peacefully
Today's Quote: It is the nature of babies to be in bliss ~ Deepak Chopra
Melbourne Daily Photo
Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.
Waltzing Australia
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Reflections on the Yarra
Tall Stories
Have you ever noticed the reflections in the water? How some of them are perfectly straight, yet others are curved and squiggly? Although I might have wished the "lines" were straight, they do make for interesting patterns don't they?
Click here to see reflections around the world, brought to you by Newton Daily Photo
Today's quote: No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see ~ Taoist proverb
Have you ever noticed the reflections in the water? How some of them are perfectly straight, yet others are curved and squiggly? Although I might have wished the "lines" were straight, they do make for interesting patterns don't they?
Click here to see reflections around the world, brought to you by Newton Daily Photo
Today's quote: No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see ~ Taoist proverb
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Oriental Arcade
Above: Oriental Arcade
Tucked away on the right-hand side of Beach Road in Sorrento, is this lovely little arcade with an air of mystery about it. As you walk down the narrow alley way to the back so's you can access the shops, you are greeted with an Italian waiter, or is that a Greek wearing a toga? statue on one side, and beautiful and delicate fernery plants on the other.
Racks of clothing are hanging around outsisde and as you ascend the stairs your eyes are filled with visions of a riot of colour. A great place to spend buying or just browsing.
Today's Quote: Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping ~ Bo Derek
Tucked away on the right-hand side of Beach Road in Sorrento, is this lovely little arcade with an air of mystery about it. As you walk down the narrow alley way to the back so's you can access the shops, you are greeted with an Italian waiter, or is that a Greek wearing a toga? statue on one side, and beautiful and delicate fernery plants on the other.
Racks of clothing are hanging around outsisde and as you ascend the stairs your eyes are filled with visions of a riot of colour. A great place to spend buying or just browsing.
Today's Quote: Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping ~ Bo Derek
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Blowhole - Art on the Waterfront
This 15 metre high wind-powered sculpture was created in November 2005 by Australian artist Duncan Stemler who has an interest in kinetic and public sculpture. Blowhole is a large scale public art commission (won through competition) for Vic Urban in Docklands. The armature and cups interact with each other to form patterns, colours and shadows. The cups are arranged to pick up the wind like an anemometer on the top of a yacht’s mast and spin in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction with the rotation speed dependent on the prevailing wind.
Ian Potter Museum of Art director Chris McAuliffe said of Blowhole, it was sensitive to the location and shows a sense of history, which is to say it has something of a maritime, waterfront promenade feel.
Below is a short vidoe of Blowhole in action -
It is fascinating to watch it in action - see the cups how they spin and turn as they are propelled forever forward in motion by the wind.
Usually, the images you see of Blowhole are of the two up top. Below are two not often shown.
Above: Blowhole with rings
The rings are strategically placed around the Blowhole.
Above: Close-up
The rings came up to about waist high.
Today's Quote: Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will ~ George Bernard Shaw
This 15 metre high wind-powered sculpture was created in November 2005 by Australian artist Duncan Stemler who has an interest in kinetic and public sculpture. Blowhole is a large scale public art commission (won through competition) for Vic Urban in Docklands. The armature and cups interact with each other to form patterns, colours and shadows. The cups are arranged to pick up the wind like an anemometer on the top of a yacht’s mast and spin in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction with the rotation speed dependent on the prevailing wind.
Ian Potter Museum of Art director Chris McAuliffe said of Blowhole, it was sensitive to the location and shows a sense of history, which is to say it has something of a maritime, waterfront promenade feel.
Below is a short vidoe of Blowhole in action -
It is fascinating to watch it in action - see the cups how they spin and turn as they are propelled forever forward in motion by the wind.
Usually, the images you see of Blowhole are of the two up top. Below are two not often shown.
Above: Blowhole with rings
The rings are strategically placed around the Blowhole.
Above: Close-up
The rings came up to about waist high.
Today's Quote: Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will ~ George Bernard Shaw
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Tesselaar's Tulip Festival
Every year from mid September to mid October Tesselaar's Tulip Festival is held. There are over 100 different types in all sizes and colours.
Above: Tulip Time
Tesselaar's Tulip Farm is in Silvan, in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges about an hour's drive from Melbourne.
Did you know
Tulip images are found as far back as the 12th century where they were used to decorate a Bible. The three petal image of the tulip was and still is used as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.
Above: Windmill
There is more than just tulips to see, although the flowers are the main focus. Various windmills are to be found.
Above: A shady spot
This chap looked like he had had enough.
Above: Tip-toe through the tulips
Everyone likes to walk among the tulips.
Tulipomania began in the Netherlands and the tulip became a status symbol for the rich. The gamble of creating a new colour break was an exciting game to play. Much experimentation was done trying to get the best effects. Wall plaster and powdered paints were mixed into the soil. Bulbs of various colour were spliced and joined together. Rare colours and streaks were also created - later with the discovery of the microscope these variations were revealed to be caused by a virus.
During tulipomania exorbitant amounts of money were spent on the frenzied purchasing of bulbs - houses were mortgaged and people joined syndicates to try the bulbs. Tulips were literally worth their weight in gold. A single bulb like 'Sempus Augustus' was worth more than a house in Amsterdam's best district.
Above: Tulips as far as the eye can see
The first famous tulips in the Netherlands were planted by Carolus Clusias, the curator of Leiden's botanical gardens. He was approached to sell them, but refused. Later they were stolen from his garden. It was these stolen bulbs that created the stock for the booming tulip trade throughout the Netherlands. The Dutch named their tulips after Admirals and Generals in the spirit of the times.
Nurseries were established in the 17th century and as the stocks grew so did the market. The new colour breaks were the most popular and helped maintain the aura and mystery of the tulip.
Above: Tulip Fantasy
It was cheaper to have a tulip painted by the masters of the time than it was to purchase a single bulb. Master painters were commissioned to paint a momento of the tulips grown, these became treasured possessions.
Bulb farms were worked by hand, fields were tilled, drainage trench ditches dug, bulbs planted and dead headed after flowering. The work was labour intensive.
Did you know
The tulip motif has been used extensively in art, as crystal etchings and the shape has been a feature in gold and silver work.
Above: Stall holders
Most all of the stall holders and people working here were dressed in Dutch costumes. There are twelve provinces in the Netherlands and "traditional" Dutch clothing is therefore different in each area.
Above: Traditional costumes
The young lad was working at the bulb buying marquee and was quite happy to pose. The centre couple are members of the Folk Dancers and the lady on the right I just happened to see walking around.
The Beginning
Read how Tesselaar's began over 60 years ago.
Above: Windmill girl
Another windmill. After this I had lunch. The cafe provided light foods etc., but I wanted Dutch food, so went to the stalls on the other side and had Frikandellen and Reifkoek. Frikandellen are Dutch sausages - like a minced-meat hot dog and Reifkoek are potato cakes. The potato is grated and mixed with onion then fried - very greasy and very fattening! Later in the day I indulged in one of my favourites - Poffertjes. Dutch pancakes. Miniature pancakes - you get 19 of them and I went for jam and cream. Lashings of creams, smothered in icing sugar. Mmmm....heavenly.
Above: Folk Dancers
While eating my lunch, just as I was finishing, I heard an announcement that there was to be Dutch folk dancing in the centre bit near the souvenir shop. Wasting no time, I walked there - there was a very large circle of chairs placed around, and I espied two empty chairs. Needless to say, I made my way quick smart to the appropriate empty chair(s) and sat down on one. Lucky for me that I did - soon there were many, many people standing in rows behind.
Below is a video I took with my camera. I didn't capture all of it and alas stopped in mid-air so to speak - before a dance ended. (I wasn't sure how long the battery would last, plus my arms were tired from holding them up to film)
Above: Melbourne Tukkers
The group is called the Melbourne Tukkers and I thouroughly enjoyed watching and listening to the music.
I found my toe a-tapping for most of the performance.
Above: Dutch Beauties
These lovely ladies were part of the folk group - as you can see they are all smiling and happy.
Above: Under the willow
After lining up for about 45 minutes to buy poffertjes, I saw this lovely old willow and was quite taken with the serenity of the scene.
Click here to see other worlds.
Today's Quote: Dutch tulips from their beds flaunted their stately heads ~ James Montgomery
Above: Tulip Time
Tesselaar's Tulip Farm is in Silvan, in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges about an hour's drive from Melbourne.
Did you know
Tulip images are found as far back as the 12th century where they were used to decorate a Bible. The three petal image of the tulip was and still is used as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.
Above: Windmill
There is more than just tulips to see, although the flowers are the main focus. Various windmills are to be found.
Above: A shady spot
This chap looked like he had had enough.
Above: Tip-toe through the tulips
Everyone likes to walk among the tulips.
Tulipomania began in the Netherlands and the tulip became a status symbol for the rich. The gamble of creating a new colour break was an exciting game to play. Much experimentation was done trying to get the best effects. Wall plaster and powdered paints were mixed into the soil. Bulbs of various colour were spliced and joined together. Rare colours and streaks were also created - later with the discovery of the microscope these variations were revealed to be caused by a virus.
During tulipomania exorbitant amounts of money were spent on the frenzied purchasing of bulbs - houses were mortgaged and people joined syndicates to try the bulbs. Tulips were literally worth their weight in gold. A single bulb like 'Sempus Augustus' was worth more than a house in Amsterdam's best district.
Above: Tulips as far as the eye can see
The first famous tulips in the Netherlands were planted by Carolus Clusias, the curator of Leiden's botanical gardens. He was approached to sell them, but refused. Later they were stolen from his garden. It was these stolen bulbs that created the stock for the booming tulip trade throughout the Netherlands. The Dutch named their tulips after Admirals and Generals in the spirit of the times.
Nurseries were established in the 17th century and as the stocks grew so did the market. The new colour breaks were the most popular and helped maintain the aura and mystery of the tulip.
Above: Tulip Fantasy
It was cheaper to have a tulip painted by the masters of the time than it was to purchase a single bulb. Master painters were commissioned to paint a momento of the tulips grown, these became treasured possessions.
Bulb farms were worked by hand, fields were tilled, drainage trench ditches dug, bulbs planted and dead headed after flowering. The work was labour intensive.
Did you know
The tulip motif has been used extensively in art, as crystal etchings and the shape has been a feature in gold and silver work.
Above: Stall holders
Most all of the stall holders and people working here were dressed in Dutch costumes. There are twelve provinces in the Netherlands and "traditional" Dutch clothing is therefore different in each area.
Above: Traditional costumes
The young lad was working at the bulb buying marquee and was quite happy to pose. The centre couple are members of the Folk Dancers and the lady on the right I just happened to see walking around.
The Beginning
Read how Tesselaar's began over 60 years ago.
Above: Windmill girl
Another windmill. After this I had lunch. The cafe provided light foods etc., but I wanted Dutch food, so went to the stalls on the other side and had Frikandellen and Reifkoek. Frikandellen are Dutch sausages - like a minced-meat hot dog and Reifkoek are potato cakes. The potato is grated and mixed with onion then fried - very greasy and very fattening! Later in the day I indulged in one of my favourites - Poffertjes. Dutch pancakes. Miniature pancakes - you get 19 of them and I went for jam and cream. Lashings of creams, smothered in icing sugar. Mmmm....heavenly.
Above: Folk Dancers
While eating my lunch, just as I was finishing, I heard an announcement that there was to be Dutch folk dancing in the centre bit near the souvenir shop. Wasting no time, I walked there - there was a very large circle of chairs placed around, and I espied two empty chairs. Needless to say, I made my way quick smart to the appropriate empty chair(s) and sat down on one. Lucky for me that I did - soon there were many, many people standing in rows behind.
Below is a video I took with my camera. I didn't capture all of it and alas stopped in mid-air so to speak - before a dance ended. (I wasn't sure how long the battery would last, plus my arms were tired from holding them up to film)
Above: Melbourne Tukkers
The group is called the Melbourne Tukkers and I thouroughly enjoyed watching and listening to the music.
I found my toe a-tapping for most of the performance.
Above: Dutch Beauties
These lovely ladies were part of the folk group - as you can see they are all smiling and happy.
Above: Under the willow
After lining up for about 45 minutes to buy poffertjes, I saw this lovely old willow and was quite taken with the serenity of the scene.
Click here to see other worlds.
Today's Quote: Dutch tulips from their beds flaunted their stately heads ~ James Montgomery
Monday, 4 October 2010
Springtime in Melbourne
Spring has finally come to Melbourne!
After a cool four weeks, Spring has arrived. The skies are blue, the flowers are out and it's short sleeves and 3/4 leggings. The gardens are blooming, it makes you feel happy, you could shout with joy at the fragrance of roses so sweet, the scent you inhale as you take time to wander around your neighbourhood and local parks.
It's Springtime now
The flowers are out
The trackies have gone
We're gadding about
In cool summer cottons
And hats on our heads
It's welcome to Spring
In our pinks, greens and reds

To see more Yellow Mellow Monday posts click here
Today's quote: I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden ~ Ruth Stout
After a cool four weeks, Spring has arrived. The skies are blue, the flowers are out and it's short sleeves and 3/4 leggings. The gardens are blooming, it makes you feel happy, you could shout with joy at the fragrance of roses so sweet, the scent you inhale as you take time to wander around your neighbourhood and local parks.
It's Springtime now
The flowers are out
The trackies have gone
We're gadding about
In cool summer cottons
And hats on our heads
It's welcome to Spring
In our pinks, greens and reds

To see more Yellow Mellow Monday posts click here
Today's quote: I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden ~ Ruth Stout
Friday, 1 October 2010
Theme Day - Graffiti...Dining With Dinosaurs
Dining with Dinosaurs?
I just love this wonderful piece of glorious graffiti don't you? I noticed it while on one of my Melbourne Walks. They say art imitates life, well imgaine if art came to life - think of the mad scramble there'd be!
I don't think many would want to be din-dins for this fellow! Look at those teeth...
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
I am going to my daughter's for a day or two and will visit on my return. May you all have a lovely Friday and a safe weekend. God Bless.
Today's quote: Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations ~ Steve Miller, Freaks!
I just love this wonderful piece of glorious graffiti don't you? I noticed it while on one of my Melbourne Walks. They say art imitates life, well imgaine if art came to life - think of the mad scramble there'd be!
I don't think many would want to be din-dins for this fellow! Look at those teeth...
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
I am going to my daughter's for a day or two and will visit on my return. May you all have a lovely Friday and a safe weekend. God Bless.
Today's quote: Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations ~ Steve Miller, Freaks!
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Melbourne Daily Photo
Hello, I created this blog because Melbourne is my city and I want people to see what a beautiful place it is. So come with me on a journey of discovery as we traverse the dining precincts, the culture, the laneways and hidden gems that make Melbourne marvellous.